Josh & Stephanie's Website! 

    Welcome to our Website!


    Well happy new year again! We’ve been busy with work and law school but Stephanie was home for a few weeks for the holidays and it was nice to have some time together for more than a day or two.  Grades should be coming out shortly so keep your fingers crossed. We went to WI for Christmas this year. We got to see Lydia (Stephanie’s niece) in a Christmas show for school.  She knew a few words to the songs they were trying to sing and made an adorable good faith effort.  We saw Jenny (Attoe) for breakfast and caught up with her while she was visiting from Omaha. We made fast friends with Chad’s lady friend Amanda (hug and kiss).  We saw Jen and Matt’s new house and met their puppy Gabby. We went out for hibachi on new years eve and then had a super fun new years eve party at the townhouse with lots of drinking and Scene It.  So all and all a nice holiday season. I hope that all of you had as much fun as we did.


    Yea! Our Anniversary! It’s crazy that we’ve been married for a year. It’s been a total blast. Josh arranged for a trip to Wisconsin Dells. We had a sunset cruise on the Wisconsin River. It was beautiful.  We bought fudge (the fudge is also beautiful).  For pictures go to photos on this site. Josh got sun burned at Noah’s ark (red like a lobster, but still adorable).


    Stephanie had oral surgery today.  She had the first few steps in a dental implant.  They pulled a baby tooth and cut up open the roof of her mouth to take out the adult tooth and then they implanted a metal rod into her bone so they can later attach a permanent tooth, once everything is healed. I took a picture of my mouth and the stitches if you want to see it go to photos. 


    We went to Las Vegas Nevada for Josh and Dan’s birthday. Stephanie mostly shopped while Josh played the slots.  Chad and Josh both tried their hands at Texas Hold ‘Em at O’Shea’s and both did very well with Josh coming in eighth! A good time was had by all.


    May Day!  


    Yea it’s warm finally. We are excited that we are going to Colorado to visit Hope and Matt (and Sawyer too) in Steamboat Springs at the end of the week. Then the week following Josh is in Silicon Valley for work so Stephanie will be sad  :(

    Yesterday was Chad’s Birthday. We went to Timberlodge Steakhouse and Some friends showed up later at the house and we played Texas Hold’em into the wee hours of the morning.

    Good news is we Got Vegas all settled. We are going there for Josh’s birthday and his buddy Dan’s birthday also falls during the same weeked.  So it will be much celebration. Woo-hoo.   Stephanie just got a new camera (its a 6MP and it is the size of a deck of cards so it fits good in her little red seatbelt purse). We should have some newer pictures for the website soon.


    Its cold outside.  Its been cold and it continues to stay cold.  Hopefully it will get warm soon.  On the plus side, we are working on our plans to go to Vegas.  yea!  But it won't be until Josh's birthday.  awh...


    Jon's dad has a new website.  So for those in the twin cities, if you need appliance repair check him out at:
