
Here is where you will find the latest information on me!

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So Maduro is playing for the Swarm Battle of the Bands.  For those of you who don't know, The Swarm is the Minnesota Lacrosse Team.  The band is playing is of 15 that will be competing for a show during the Swarm game on April 15th and studio time to finish their upcoming album.  The first round is on March 23rd.  The band had taken the last couple months to work on new songs for their tour which officially starts on April 7th.  A very exciting time for Maduro.


Left for Arizona on Friday, 11/11/05 to visit my good friend Dan and his girlfriend Missy.  Brought him some Summit that is brewed here in St. Paul. He was excited as it is his favorite beer and cannot get it in the Phoenix area.  They showed me all around.  Had some excellent mini-chimichangas at a Mexican restaurant favorite of Dan's.  Learned how  to play shuffleboard. Went to the Guadalupe portion of Phoenix where they have their own police force and is the real little-Mexico.  Bought some Mexican blankets there for $5 a piece.  Saw some bands including Southbound, which is Dan's old band; however, now quite a bit different since the singer as well as Dan are not in it.  All in all it was way too short of a trip.  Kind of sad to go home.  Especially since it was 90 degrees on Sunday and when I got back into Minneapolis it was 40 degrees.  Stephanie made reservations at P.F. Changs for the both of us after picking me up from the airport.  She is so excellent.